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Fevre Dream
14th September 2019
"Fevre Dream"
By: George R. MartinI read this book because George R. Martin is coming to the World Con In New Zealand next year and I haven’t read any of his books – I decided I currently have zero interest in reading his Game of Thrones books because of the TV show combined with the fact that he hasn’t finished writing the series yet – and the fact that I love horror, so this one seemed like a good compromise. I am pleased that I did as it’s really good, the fact that it’s a one off book is useful given his current track record with not finishing the Game of Thornes series too.
It’s not quite your standard Vampire book, as it treats the Vampire mythology slightly differently than most other books and films do. He doesn’t seem to push the envelope horror or gore wise, with the only true sections come from one character who is the big baddie and the rest is surprisingly low key for a vampire book or a horror book. He doesn’t shove the little violence there is in your face, and it is sensible for the character(s) doing it.
If you do enjoy horror, this is an incredibly good non-Game of Thornes George R. Martin book to read and it does show how good of a writer he is. I really enjoyed it.
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